Event Experiences


Corporate hospitality & VIP experiences for major ticketed events

We specialise in helping you discover VIP experiences for the world’s biggest sporting, musical and cultural events.
Whether you’re a company looking to entertain your key people, incentivise staff or celebrate a milestone, or simply want to experience your next event in the ultimate VIP style, we’ll help you create that unique memory.
When you’re ready to take your corporate entertaining for sport, music or culture event to the next level, get in touch.

Just a small selection of events we specialise in…..
            Including private viewing boxes, luxury restaurants and the best VIP seats)
Corporate hospitality for music events

Championship boxing ringside seats, hospitality and prime located floor seats

Want even more?

Have a look at our personal concierge service, The VIP Club.

If you’re looking for something  specific and you need some advice contact our expert team on

+44(0) 203 070 3110

or email pippa@thehospitalitybroker.com 

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